Medical Transportation
Meals & Accomodations
9. Meals and Accommodation
9.1 Medical transportation benefits may include assistance with meals and accommodation when these expenses are incurred while in transit for approved transportation to access medically required health services.
9.3 Accommodation arrangements will be made by FNIH. Clients who choose to make different accommodation arrangements will be responsible for the difference in the cost between the two.
9.4 When available, meals and accommodation must be obtained from the boarding homes or commercial establishments with which FNIH have a negotiated Standing Offer or other contractual agreement.
9.5 Assistance with meals may be provided where the time away from home to attend the medically required appointment is more than 6 hours in one day.
9.7 Assistance with overnight accommodation may be provided on a case by case basis, which may include the review of the medical justification, time of appointment, distance traveled and scheduled and/or coordinated medical transportation.
9.8 When accommodation is provided in a private home, assistance not to exceed the regional rate set out for private accommodation may be reimbursed.
9.9 Other expenses are the responsibility of the client (e.g., telephone charges, parking, room damage, movie rentals, game rentals, room service, tips, gratuities, etc.) and will not be reimbursed.
Medical Transportation 1-877-983-0911
Vision, Pharmacy, Medical Supplies & Equipment 1-800-665-8507
Dental 1-877-505-0835