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Medical Transportation

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12. Exclusions

  • 12.1 Certain types of travel, benefits and services will NOT be provided as benefits under the NIHB Program under any circumstances and are not subject to the NIHB appeal process. 

    • Compassionate travel;

    • Appointments for clients in the care of federal, provincial or territorial institutions;

    • Court-ordered treatment/assessment, or as a condition of parole;

    • Appointments while travelling outside of Canada;

    • Travel for clients residing in an off-reserve location where the appropriate health services are available locally;

    • Travel for the purposes of a third-party requested medical examination;

    • The return trip home in cases of an illness while away from home other than for approved travel to access medically required health services;

    • Travel only to pick-up new or repeat prescriptions or vision care products;

    • Travel to access health related services that are not identified in section 1.3, unless coordinated;

    • Payment of professional fee(s) for preparation of doctor's note /document preparation to support provision of benefits;

    • Transportation to adult day care, respite care and/or interval/safe houses.


Medical Transportation   1-877-983-0911
Vision, Pharmacy, Medical Supplies & Equipment  1-800-665-8507
Dental 1-877-505-0835

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