The DWSP objective is;
(i) Sample and test drinking water for E. Coli., Total Coli forms, and chlorine residuals as per the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality on Pinaymootang First Nation;
(ii) Reduce the possibility of waterborne disease outbreaks by increasing and improving the monitoring of and reporting on community drinking water supplies on Pinaymootang First Nation; and
(iii) Build the capacity of First Nations through community-based drinking water quality programs.
DWSP activities include;
(i) Sample and test drinking water quality as per the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality in distribution systems and wells as developed under the direction of the EHO;
(ii) Record all results on water quality data sheets weekly and send reports monthly to the EHO for interpretation of results and recommendations for further action, if necessary;
(iii) Perform quality assurance tests according to the quality assurance plan developed under the direction of the EHO; and
(iv) Immediately upon determining that E. Coli and/or Total Coli forms exceed the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality or when there are unusual changes in disinfection residuals (for example; they are lower than expected), the CBWM is to notify the EHO for interpretation of the results and recommendations on further action.
Program Goals:
Yearly Community Water Testing
Inspect and Report on General Sanitation
Awareness and Workshops on General Sanitation in Classrooms
Water Testing
Community Food Handling Course
Promotion of the Drinking Water Program
World Day of Water