Brighter Future Initiatives (BFI)
The Brighter Futures Initiative Program is a community-based health promotion and ill-health prevention program. The program promotes health and prevents ill-health through learning-related activities that strive to increase awareness, change attitudes, build knowledge and enhance skills.
Program Components
1. Mental Health - The goal of this component is to promote the development of healthy communities through community-based mental health programs, services and/or activities. Information and awareness activities on a variety of topics (ex.: depression, family violence and stress management), counseling services and wellness activities (ex.: a course in traditional shawl making and recreational activities) are some of the ways communities have promoted the health of their community.
2. Child Development - This component aims to ensure that children receive the nurturing they need to reach their full potential. A wide variety of community-based programs and activities have been funded under this component, such as school breakfast programs, a math learning program, a parent-child crafts program, school-based "Stop Bullying" sessions, cultural heritage activities and toy lending libraries.
3. Parenting - The aim of this component is to promote culturally-sensitive parenting skills. A variety of activities have been funded through this component and include parenting workshops and parenting training programs.
4. Injury Prevention - As the title suggests, the goal of this component is to prevent injuries. Examples of activities funded include first-aid and CPR training, water safety workshops, awareness campaigns and promotion of the use of seat belts and car seats.